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Our Services

Sharon Small helps small business owner Brandyn Limberhand_

Credit Builder Program

PPCD offers Credit Builder Loans up to $5000.  PPCD staff will pull the client's credit report and offer credit counseling before the loan disbursement is made. PPCD also reports to two major credit bureaus through Credit Builders Alliance.

Open For Business

Small Business Training/Lending

PPCD partners with various partners to offer Small Business Development training and workshops throughout the year.

We also offer Small Business Loans up to $5000 for eligible and approved applicants.

Youth Ag Member gathers calves at branding time_

Youth Ag Loan

This new program is available to youth between 10-20 years old who are enrolled members of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe and reside on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation. 


Program participants will have an experienced project advisor

and must attend financial literacy class.

Loan funds can be used for purchase of livestock or equipment, real estate purchase or renovation, or working capital.

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Financial Literacy Trainings

PPCD offers Credit Builder Workshops weekly, and partners with Northern Cheyenne Housing Authority to offer the "Financial Fitness" Course, in addition to hosting $pending Frenzy financial simulation at local high schools.

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance

This tax service is provided to community members through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA) under the Department of Treasury Internal Revenue Service.

PPCD partners with Chief Dull Knife College Extension Service & St. Labre Youth & Family Services to provide FREE income tax assistance by IRS Certified Volunteers every year from late January until April 15th. CDKC has provided VITA services for 17 years, bringing back over $17 million dollars in Federal Refund money to the community for FREE. 

People's Partner is a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI).  CDFI's are financial institutions that focus on personal lending and business development efforts in local communities. CDFIs can receive federal funding through the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

Equal Opportunity For All

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Lame Deer Offices

PPCD & Courtesy Cash, Inc.

(406)-477-7723, (406)-477-8411

PO Box 955/922

509 Cheyenne Ave S

Lame Deer, MT 59043




509 Cheyenne Ave S

Lame Deer, MT 59043


Ashland Offices




(406)-784-6769, (406)-784-6707

201 Main St

Ashland, MT 59003




201 Main St

Ashland, MT 59003

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